IP Technology Distribution

InfiNet Wireless Helps Partners to Infinity & Beyond!

InfiNet Wireless products InfiLINK XG family

InfiNet Wireless, a leading global manufacturer of broadband wireless solutions, has signed a master agreement with ABP Technology to distribute their Fixed Broadband Wireless technology products in America.

InfiNet is committed to stay at the forefront of the global wireless industry, continue its close partnership with various partners in the world and bring their product line to the customers in America by offering the very latest wireless technologies - to not only satisfy their growing demand for high-bandwidth connectivity, but to also add significant value to their own business models.

Wireless networks can be deployed more easily compared to other wired solutions like optical fiber; wireless networks are also cost-effective in areas where the data links are going over long distances and they can be easily adapted to new requirements if the area covered is changing. They can be deployed especially in remote areas with low spectrum utilization, or with unlicensed frequencies.

Knowing the importance of this, InfiNet Wireless has implemented additional features to improve their equipment’s resilience and to extend the geographical areas and activity sectors where such solutions can be used, delivering high-availability radio services in the long term.

InfiNet Wireless was founded in 1993 during the collapse of the Soviet Union by American entrepreneurs who saw an opportunity to invest in highly skilled Russian engineers. Over the last two decades the organization has expanded globally to become a wireless solution powerhouse, and set up its new headquarters in Malta in 2008. ABP is proud of this new partnership where Infinet Wireless is bringing its wealth of experience to a new level.

InfiNet Wireless showcases its innovative solutions InfiLINK XG – 1000 and Qmxb R5000, as well as the InfiLINK XG family.

High-end InfiLINK XG – The InfiLINK XG 1000 has throughput of up to 1 Gbps and is one of the best-in-class solutions for building mobile backbone networks, including Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and private corporate networks. This device is designed by InfiNet engineers using intelligent algorithms for flexible adjustment of frequency depending on radio interference. This function allows network operators to deploy the device in license-exempt spectrum.

In addition to the InfiLINK XG 1000, InfiNet Wireless has also successfully deployed an extended range of the InfiLINK XG models which support new frequency bands such as 2.x GHz, 3.x GHz and 4.x GHz, as well as the previously available 5.x GHz and 6.x GHz models. With spectral efficiency as high as 13 Mbps/Hz and a real throughput of up to 130 Mbps in just 10 MHz of spectrum, the InfiLINK XG models are ideal for unlicensed backhauling in the standard Wi-Fi frequency bands which are excellent for applications such as mobile operator backhauls and high-capacity access, in-band small-cell LTE backhaul and public safety networks. See more of Infinet’s Advanced Wireless Infrastructures in this convenient PDF: Infinet Wireless Products and Solutions at a Glance.

We are very excited about Infinet wireless; their innovative product portfolio has earned a great reputation and has now become the de-facto choice for many service providers from all sectors of the industry.

Check out this video on Infinite Wireless: https://www.youtube.com/user/infinetwirelesscom.

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