IP Technology Distribution

Support Options

Support Options

ABP Technology provides technical support services to ensure our customers can install and maintain the products we sell. ABP has put together a team of engineers with expertise in networking, Internet protocols, VoIP standards, IP surveillance and product-specific configuration to help customers succeed in setting up, configuring, troubleshooting and maintaining all the products in ABP's portfolio within diverse scenarios.

Below are the support options offered by ABPTech

Free Case Support

Free online case support is offered by ABP Technology for supported products up to 1 year from the date of purchase.

This includes correspondence via our ticketing system which is used for both trouble tickets (https://www.abptech.com/open-support-ticket) and RMA requests (https://www.abptech.com/open-rma-request.html). Once the form is filled out & submitted, a confirmation email will be sent with the case number. Please give up to 5 minutes to receive this email. If the confirmation email still has not been received, check the spam filter or open up a ticket with a different email address. Once the ticket is received, the technical team will contact you via email. A simple reply via email will update the case. If needed, attachments can be sent at this point.

All trouble tickets have a response time of 24 to 48 business hours and customers are responsible for reading the documentation pertinent to the product or case. If the equipment falls outside of the 1 year purchase date or if the equipment was not purchased from ABP Technology, other support options described below are available.


Technical Support Package (TSP-hourly)

Premium Technical Support is offered for troubleshooting, installing or configuring any product in ABP's portfolio purchased from ABP or through third-party resellers. This service is offered to ABP customers who do not have a support subscription (see below for ASA subscription) and require full attention from a qualified technician. This support option is also available to non-ABP customers, and training for ABP products are included in this category. The support is rendered at an hourly rate which runs approximately $150/hr.

This option is also used for in-depth pre-configuration on equipment we sell before and after deployment when purchasing the equipment from ABP. This can be a combination of pre-configuration and remote setup or support.

Note: This service does not apply to equipment not sold or supported by ABP Technology. The reseller or ABP partner must also be present if working with an end-customer. This is also a best effort, and is not guaranteed to resolve the issue. At the end of the session, the customer has the option if they’d like to proceed with another hour. If not all of the time is used in a session, the rest can be used before it is expired. A trouble ticket can be opened (https://www.abptech.com/open-support-ticket) to check the time remaining.

Terms: Initial one-time payment that can be extended at a later date, if more time is needed. Dedicated premium support needs to be scheduled in advance. Before the support is rendered, the balance has to have been paid. Support will be rendered during business hours. If the support session goes over the amount of time purchased, the customer will be invoiced for the remaining amount in hourly increments. The minimum billable period is one hour. If the support time is not used after 90 days, it will expire. Non-refundable.

Please ask your sales representative to send you a quote, they will put you in contact with the support team to discuss technical details in addition to scheduling the session.

ABP Yearly Support Agreement (ASA-GOLD-YR)

The ASA package is the best value and the highest tier support contract that ABP Technology offers. It is a yearly service that allows the customer to receive first-in-line priority over other customers and access to our highly-skilled and professional support staff for the maximum of 3 hours per month.

If an issue or problem occurs, ABP’s partner can reach out and have access to immediate phone support. This helps to keep costs to a minimum as it breaks through the per-incident, hourly support paradigm. This offers peace of mind to customers who do not have the technical expertise needed to maintain and troubleshoot their equipment. The longer that your customer has issues the more the price tag will grow which can have far reaching implications for your company. Let us help you out.

Terms: Automated quarterly draft of credit card or checking account. Thirty days notice is required to cancel as the charges are recurring. Limited to 3 hours of premium support per month for equipment or services that ABP Technology provided. Additional support in a month can be purchased through the TSP-hourly option while retaining the ASA priority in the queue. If more time is needed per month, the ASA can be stacked giving 6 hours monthly. Support will be rendered during business hours. Service starts immediately after the first payment is received.  Non-refundable.

Please ask your sales representative to send you a quote with pricing, they will put you in contact with the support team to coordinate the technical details on the project as well as availability.

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