IP Technology Distribution

Why you should get into the video surveillance space.

At ABP Technology, we are always looking for ways to enhance our Reseller / VAR experience in the technology market place. Don't be late or offering video surveillance as a new product offering to your customers.

Video Surveillance: A Lucrative Market Opportunity for Resellers

Like in the phone space where things rapidly changed from analog to digital and now to IP the same is happening in the video surveillance world. HD quality video from megapixel cameras is rapidly becoming the expectation from the buyers and this level of quality is only available and transportable bandwidth wise in the IP world. IP offers much more intelligence in video surveillance and many new decentralized features that make systems less expensive and more powerful.

This is why you should think about getting into the IP video surveillance space now!

Report courtesy of ABI research, 2009

The global economic downturn has slowed the expansion of video surveillance markets in 2008 and 2009. But they have nonetheless posted a healthy 10% growth rate which will accelerate – led by the retail and financial segments – as the economy starts to recover in 2010. In the United States, government funding provided through economic stimulus measures will further reinforce shipments and revenues.

“People and organizations are still buying video security systems, despite the recession,” says ABI Research vice president and practice director Stan Schatt. “In fact, some large retailers have increased their deployments to counter recession-induced shoplifting. Meanwhile US government spending, particular on enhanced border, port, and airport security will be a mainstay in the short to medium-term.”

Market Size and Growth Potential of Video Surveillance

ABI Research forecasts the total video surveillance market to be worth more than $41 billion in 2014. “Many observers underestimate the size of this market because they only include cameras and network video recorders,” says Schatt. “They ignore all the other facets of video surveillance which also include other hardware, cabling and other infrastructure, professional services, and software. When you put all that together it’s a pretty sizeable number.”

Licensing and Regulations: Important Considerations for Entering the Market

The sales and or installation of physical security like Video Surveillance and Access Control is subject to licenses and local regulations depending on your region. Please check with your state authorities to know if and what kind of licenses you may need. Licenses and a regulated space can be good for resellers since it naturally limits the entry of "Me too" in the last minute to bids and helps keep the number of resellers in the space some what more limited.

Learn more about IP Surveillance at ABP's annual partner conference IP Sizzles

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