IP Technology Distribution

What is the best Alternative to the Polycom SpectraLink 8400 series and Cisco WIP310 for a WiFi IP Phone?

If you’ve done your homework and tested various WiFi IP Phones, it may have gone 1 of 2 ways:

1. You did your testing a few years ago when these devices weren’t mature and you weren’t pleased with the results. Many moved to DECT because of this.

2. You have found that the reasonably priced devices weren’t too impressive while the high dollar phones perform well. Still, several hundred dollars for a mobile IP Phone isn’t reasonable for the SMB and most other markets.

Many people understand that DECT is a good solution for many specific applications but for true mobility, you would want a wireless IP Phone that can perform and travel anywhere you may go. The leaders in this arena have been Polycom and Cisco. Their products do work well but the name recognition that comes with them created a purchase price of the phones that can be in the $300-500 range per device. ABP has found what we feel is the best WiFi product that is available on the market and the cost is so appealing that we had struggled just keeping them in stock after its launch.

WPU7800 Korean VersionThe UniData 7800 is the second WiFi phone from UniData and the previous 7700 model also performed very well. The 7800 introduced a new hardware design, OS and added functionality to make it the market leader. If you are not familiar with the brand of UniData, it is because they were the OEM for other well known manufacturers such as Hitachi Cable. This being said the phones have been on the market with the same SIP stack in one form or another for many years. The current 7800 model is currently being used by millions of customers in South Korea by their largest Service Provider, LG Dacom (Domestic Korean model pictured on the left). All this just proves how reliable these devices are and the quality that they bring.


Especially now with the Cisco WIP310 being discontinued, there is a huge gap for enterprise level functionality out of a WiFi phone that is open standards SIP. This is assuming of course that you’ve already taken a chance and been burned by a cheap QuickPhones kind of product. We highly recommend the 7800 as we have never had any issues on any platform or PBX that we or any of our customers have tested it on. It just works. No Switches, no cables, no installation.

Contact ABP Technology as we are the Master Distributor
of all UniData Products in North and South America. Email sales@abptech.com or call 972-831-1600, Option 3.

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