IP Technology Distribution

Unidata Business Wi-Fi phone receives NGN award

Norwalk, CT (April 13, 2009) - Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC), www.tmcnet.com, a global media company, today announced the winners of the 2009 NGN Leadership Award from NGN magazine.

UniData receives NGN award for its family of Business Wi-Fi Phones

The NGN Leadership Award has been established to recognize outstanding achievement in the IP Communications community, including outstanding products, services and technologies relating to IMS and NGN environments.

ABP introduced the WPU-7700 Business Wi-Fi Phone early 2009 and has since then seen an excellent acceptance especially by small business and service providers interested in deploying a Wi-Fi solution instead of a combination of ATA and cordless phone.

ABP will also soon release the new Unidata SQ-3000 a revolutionary handheld Wi-Fi Video phone.

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