IP Technology Distribution

How to Configure MxBell

The MOBOTIX MxBell App serves as a mobile intercom for MOBOTIX IP video door stations. It allows users to receive doorbell notifications, see live images of who is ringing the doorbell, talk to visitors and open the door. Installation is easy - download the MxBell app from the Apple App or Google Play Store and follow the directions on the following slides:

MOBOTIX MxBell App Installation Steps:

Download the App

MxBell App

Add Cameras (Automatic or Manual)

Add Cameras

Changing Camera IP Address Setting (Manual Setup Only)

Changing Camera IP Address

Entering Camera Username and Password


Camera Username and Password

Adding a Location (Part 1: Name and Icon)


Adding a Location

Adding a Location (Part 2: Selecting Cameras)

Adding a Location

Rapping Up

Rapping Up


Install Success


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