IP Technology Distribution

Mobotix & GXV3000 - Direct IP to IP

Mobotix and GrandStream GXV3000

The following document details the configuration of a Mobotix M12 and a GrandStream GXV3000 allowing direct IP to IP calls delivering two way video and audio.

GrandStream GXV3000

The Mobotix and GrandStream can be configured to connect to a server that can handle the video codecs or can be configured to work directly with a compliant unit.

This document the method used to configure the two units as Directed IP calls, bypassing any server.

These instructions assumes a basic knowledge of the web interfaces for the related units. This documents also assumes your items are ready powered and ready to be configured.

Mobotix - M12

Web Interface à Audio and Phone à Phone Profiles

1. Give the profile a name - Location-m12

2. The “Phone number or SIP address” field is to be populated with SIP URL 100@ ( EXT @ IP of Mobotix camera)

3. Specify the # of Dial Attempts and the Dial TimeOut

4. Choose SIP VIDEO for Connection Type

5. Message Type is the Greeting to be played once the call is established.

6. Confirm call with PIN code: (OPTIONAL) used to ensure the intended party receives the call

7. Choose “After the Message has been sent:”

A. Hangup - Do nothing

B. Listen - listen using the on-board microphone

C. Speak - Send audio to the on-board speaker

D. InterCom - two-way conversation

8. Click Set then Close to apply (but not save) settings

9. Once the profile has been applied, at the TOP of the page, you will see your profile name and a TEST button. Click TEST to check the parameters

10. Choose admin and Reboot camera


## NOTE ##

Clicking the Add button will allow configuration of multiple destinations to use this specific profile. Clicking the ADD PROFILE Button starts a additional NEW Profile.

GrandStream - GXV3000

Web Interface à Account X

The below only references fields that are modified, fields not mentioned require no additional configuration for operability

1. Choose Account to be configured

3. For Account Active - choose YES

4. For Account Name - enter a name

5. SIP Server - Enter the IP of the Mobotix Camera

6. SIP UserID: Input the extension configured within the Mobotix (see Step 2 in Mobotix section)

7. Name Field - Name only relevant to GrandStream Phone

8. UserID is Phone number - YES

9. SIP Registration - NO

10. VOICE CODEC’s Choice 1. PCMU = Choice 2 PCMA.

VIDEO - Choice H.263

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